Downsizing Your Home Prior to Moving

Posted on 04/03/2024

boxes packing

Moving is a big undertaking that can be stressful for even the most organized person. After you've done all the packing, organizing and clearing out of your old place, you have to unpack and set up your new home. On top of all this, attempting to move all your furnishings and belongings from one place to another can be overwhelming - especially if you're downsizing from a large home to something much smaller. Here are some tips on how to downsize your home prior to moving so that it will be easier on you:

Create an Inventory of Your Belongings

Before you start downsizing your belongings, make sure you know exactly what it is you're trying to get rid of. Take an inventory of everything in each room and make note of anything that could be useful in the new house. This will help you determine which items should stay and which can go.

Start With Discardable Items

When downsizing a home, focus on getting rid of items first that don't need to be moved such as newspapers, magazines, old papers or clothes that no longer fit. This will free up space for more valuable items such as furniture, artwork or antiques. If there are items you can part with easily, donate them or sell them online for extra cash.

Choose Multi-Purpose Furnishings

One way to save space when moving is to opt for multi-purpose furniture such as a sleeper sofa or futon instead of traditional couches and chairs. Since these pieces serve two purposes they help free up floor space while still being comfortable and stylish. The same goes for tables - choose ones that have storage drawers underneath or folding legs so they can be easily put away when not in use.

Rethink Wall Space

Another great space-saving tip is to reorganize any wall art or decorations before packing them up. Instead of hanging pictures and artwork on the walls, try and hang them from shelves or other storage units where possible. This will open up more wall space in case you decide to hang something else at the new house.

Do Away With Extra Furniture

If possible try selling furniture that won't fit into the new house or give it away if it's still serviceable. Having fewer pieces of furniture makes moving much easier since fewer things need to be packed up and transported from one place to the other. You may also want to consider donating any extra furniture pieces that aren't being used at all since they won't take up valuable space in the moving truck anyway.

Pack Smartly

The key to having a successful move is being prepared and packing smartly. Make sure all your boxes are labeled properly so nothing gets lost in transit then arrange them according to how quickly you'll need access once they reach their destination - i.e., keep important documents together so they'll be easy to find once you arrive at the new place. Additionally, wrap fragile items in bubble wrap or newspaper before putting them in boxes as this will ensure they stay safe during transit.

Downsizing a home doesn't have to be a chore if done right; following these tips should make it easier on everyone involved when moving day rolls around! Remember - focus on discarding things first before packing anything away; choose multi-purpose pieces of furniture; rethink any wall decor; do away with extra furniture and pack smartly by labeling everything accordingly! Doing this prior to moving will ultimately make setting up your new home much less difficult than it would be otherwise!

boxes packing

James Hogan
James Hogan

Devoted to orchestrating home and office removals, James is a seasoned removals manager with extensive experience. His adept planning and execution guarantee a move that caters comprehensively to the diverse needs of clients.
